
We will sort and return all borrowed fabric, wallpaper, tile, and carpet samples to the respective showrooms in the NYC area.

Let us lighten the load

Sample Returns Pricing

Our most popular services

sort, LABel & return Pricing:




Additional services


Many Happy Returns also offers additional services including pick ups, delivery, and more! Please reach out for more services; we’re here to lighten your load


Where to drop off samples?

Drop off your bags at our office at the Rolls Royce Building located at 32 E 57th St 8th Floor, New York, NY 10022

Additionally, feel free to drop-off your samples at the Decoration & Design Building inside the World’s Away showroom

**If you have more than 1-2 shopping bags, or would like to send a messenger to 32 East 57th Street, please email or call to let us know when we expect you.

New Westchester, NY Drop Off Location: our Rye Brook boutique, SBG Home & Design located in the Rye Ridge Shopping Center at 120 S Ridge St, Rye Brook, NY 10573.

Please Note:  For all samples, we charge a minimum return fee of $25.00.